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Routine immunizations for travel toWengen Switzerland, Milan and Lake Como

Hello, I was curious to ask if anyone knows or recommends any vaccinations (excluding the covid shot, I laready got that one) that are necessary to protect Americans while visiting these countries in June 2023. Thank you

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1081 posts

Other than the routine vaccinations we got as children, I would think that Covid vaccination would be important. If a person is over 50 years old they should get the Shingles vaccine since that would ruin a nice trip pretty fast, and if your traveling in the fall or winter I would get the Influenza vaccination. But these are just my opinion, I don't think you are required to have any vaccination to enter those countries.

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7 posts

Do we still have to get covid shots to go to switzerland? I didn't even think of this and we leave july 10th!

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3006 posts

There are no longer any covid requirements to enter Switzerland.

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34 posts

I wasnt asking about Covid, If you see I excluded covid shot in my question but thanks. I was asking about ones in general like measels ect.

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3006 posts

ihavefaith3, I was answering the question posted above regarding covid requirements. Sorry for the confusion.

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11641 posts

I read a few months ago that the Swiss government is recommending vaccination against Tick-Borne Encephalitis for those who will do extensive hiking or other outdoor activities in the country.

It takes 3 doses and (I think) the last two have to be a few months apart. We are getting our first dose next week and the second before our August departure, so won’t be fully protected just yet. It is a lifetime vaxx series, AFAIK. There is no vaccine — yet — for Lyme disease and they have that, too.

You can use tick spray in the meantime, if you have concerns because you have outdoor plans that might expose you. More info here

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17228 posts

It is not just Switzerland that has a tick problem—-health officials in Northern California are warning of an “uptick” in the tick population this spring and summer due to all the rain last winter. The main concern there is Lyme disease, which has been found in ticks in the Bay Area.

Note that the Swiss references state that ticks are mainly a problem at lower elevations, below 1500 meters. Popular Berner Oberland villages such as Wengen and Mürren are above that. Lauterbrunnen is not.

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11641 posts

Note that the Swiss references state that ticks are mainly a problem at lower elevations, below 1500 meters. Popular Berner Oberland villages such as Wengen and Mürren are above that. Lauterbrunnen is not.

Right, Lola! Also popular places like Luzern, Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich: almost anywhere with a lake will be tick country especially in wooded areas.

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936 posts

I would not get concerned about vaccinations for Italy and Switzerland, If you have had the ones for your age group, like Shingles, HEP A etc, you should not have any issues, FYI we have the full gamut of vaccinations as we travel to locales in Africa, South America etc where certain vaccines are warranted.

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531 posts

Recommend Hep A + B. Also, if you're 50+ and never had chickenpox as i hadn't, you have to get the chickenpox vaccine before the shingles vaccine.

Between these and all the covid shots I've had over the past few years, I think I've been vaccinated more than my dog!

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4554 posts

I think everyone should get the Hepatitis vaccines. I got A and B for a trip to Guatemala, and since then, there has been a hepatitis outbreak in the US, likely spread by restaurant food.