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Restaurant recommendations Grindelwald

Please recommend your favorite place

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32318 posts

I'd suggest asking the front desk staff at your hotel for restaurant recommendations. That method has always worked for me.

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17 posts

Onkel Tom's Pizzeria und Weinlokal

Not formal or fancy, just delicious...

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17223 posts

Onkel Tom’s has nice pizza and salad, but v3y casual.

If you would like a more upscale dinner with a view, my first choice would be the terrace at Hotel Bodmi:

Here is their menu:

Hotel Bodmi is above town, but there is a nice pedestrian path (lighted at night). Make a reservation so they know to expect you. If it is still daylight you may see paragliders landing on the field nearby. Bodmi has a special table on the terrace reserved for the Gleitschirm Piloten.