in the WSJ
If I knew how to go about importing them I would quit my job and do THAT.
Good stuff, but there is almost no one selling them.
Not much Swiss wine is exported. Those darn Swiss like it too much.
Wine is one of the few relatively cheap things about Switzerland, especially if you buy in the grocery stores.
I've ALWAYS raved about Swiss Wine and how it's not widely exported. What a shame for the rest of the world! I've asked my local wine stores about Swiss Wine and they just look at me like I'm crazy.
Switzerland, not being in the EU, still has import taxes on foreign wines.
This leads to the somewhat ridiculous situation that here in Basel there are vineyards just outside the city, and literally within sight from the city centre (go to the lookout behind the cathedral). These vineyards produce good cheap wines, but you cannot buy these wines in supermarkets in the city. Instead the supermarkets sell Swiss wines, for example from Valais, the opposite end of Switzerland. You need to go to the vineyard themselves (about 9 Km from city centre) and buy direct, but make sure you are within your customs limits when you cross the border again.
This thread whetted my appetite, so we walked to a nearby restaurant last night and had a bottle of Fendant with dinner. Noted the importer was Apparently, the Swiss producers can only supply 30% of the domestic consumption. So given that, high import tariffs to protect local growers, and generally higher cost structure of making anything in Switzerland, and you really have to look for and expect to pay a premium, to enjoy Swiss wines.