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Quick stop in Lucerne before flying back to US from Zurich

We are making a 2 day stop in Lucerne, and are researching what we might be able to do or see while in Lucerne. We like to hike, but realize we just may not be able to squeeze in a hike while there.
We know just being in Lucerne will be wonderful, but any experiences as to things to do or see that we can plan for?
Would love any travel experiences since we've never visited Switzerland!

Thank you!

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20940 posts

Take the boat to Vitznau and ride the Rigibahn to the top. You can hike down to Kaltbad and ride the cable car down to Weggis, walk through town to the dock and boat back to Luzern.

When is the trip? You may be able to buy a Saver Day Pass now that will cover all of that and more.

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8818 posts

A lunch cruise on the lake, either on an excursion boat or on the ferries, is a good option. Unless you're a museum person, I would say other than a couple of sights, the best of Luzern is up the mountains.

You do know that you can take a train from Luzern to the Zurich airport rail station in about 1.25 hours, so you dont need to stay in Zurich at all. Just wanted to mention that as Luzern is much nicer than Zurich.

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6 posts

Thank you for the info re: Vitznau, Rigibahn and hiking down to Kaltbad etc! We'll look this up.
Thanks for the input about a boat or ferry ride - we have to stay in Zurich one night, as our flight leaves at 7:00 a.m., so we have a very early wake up that day! :-)

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20940 posts

What is the date? If you just walked up and bought tickets for this trip, it would cost 139 CHF per person. However, I see Saver Day Passes running at 52 to 70 CHF for late September if bought now. So if you know the date, you could save a ton buying now.