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purchasing train tickets via SBB app

I just bought my swiss half card and surprisingly, it populated on my SBB app.
I tried to purchase my ticket from Zurich airport to Luzern.. but it only show me one price -
does a price in SBB app reflect 1/2 off? or is there another click I need to apply the 50% off discount?...
Where is the option to purchase 50% ticket discount on the app??
thank you..

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11600 posts

The default fare on SBB — app and website — is 1/2 fare.

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2330 posts

Make sure indeed that the ticket is shown as "half fare". This is not always automatic. Where you com to the page where you can select 1st or 2nd class, and single or return, you should click on the litlle pencil next to your name and see that indeed it shows the half fare travel card.
Note that this is also where you can add more passengers, if you need to.