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Planned trip June 8-18

My mother, 86, and myself have a trip booked for June 8-18. What is the probability of being able to still travel or would it be in our best interest to rebook for a later date?

Posted by
1591 posts

dajenkennels - I advise you to rebook it for next year. This virus is not slowing down at all. We might be in this mode for many months so it's in your best interest to reschedule it.

Posted by
16909 posts

Ditto the above, and especially considering your mother's age.
There are just too many unknowns right now to take the risk, and believe me, I'm not usually easily deterred when it comes to an adventure!

Posted by
1206 posts

You asked and in your best interest, even if the planes are flying, no I would not go. It is not advisable right now. Until we have a vaccine avilable to the public, this virus is not going away. You might want to look at the CDC and the state department websites and also read or listen to Dr. Anthony Facui who has been talking about travel and that it needs to be posponed. I know this is not what you want to hear but this is the fact that it is not the time to travel. As far as rebooking at a later date, you could but again when will it be safe to travel? No one knows and until we do know, it is not possible to rebook.

I took had a trip planned for two weeks in May and now it is gone and I am greatly disappointed and had this planned for the last year.
But safety and health come first.

Posted by
4744 posts

Sorry, but I can't imagine someone 86 even going to a local grocery store for the foreseeable future.

Posted by
13 posts

Thank you everyone for your replies. Exactly what I’ve been thinking but wanted to reaffirm.

Posted by
21523 posts

Not being a doctor, not being an expert on any of this; my advice is to follow the CDC and the WHO guidelines and recommendations. All that should be said beyond that is if it were my mother, unless there is some major shift in this whole thing, I would wait till there is a vaccine; and lets hope its more effective than the common flu vaccine.

Posted by
298 posts

Glad you are reaffirmed. You didn't say where you were planning to travel but it appears everywhere should be a no go now. No telling when it will be safe especially for those of us in the higher risk group. It is tough to give up our travel but unfortunately that is our reality now. Be safe and healthy!

Posted by
13 posts

We had a beautiful itinerary planned.
St Moritz
Glacier Express
Mountains, Cheese factories, chocolate, wine etc.
All booked but refundable due to the circumstances.

Posted by
2069 posts

Please get refunds now. Here in DC, the peak of the virus is not expected until the end of April and we are shelter in place until end of June. Your trip will not happen and I wouldn't take an 86 year old on an airplane for at least a few months after the virus has died down. I would go in December or even better next year.

I know this is not what you want to hear but for your mothers sake, please err on the side of caution. Her health is more important.

Posted by
13 posts

It is because of my mother that I’m cancelling this trip. We've been planning it for a long time. We can travel anytime though and will!

Posted by
6657 posts

My dad is 92. Just got back from a solo trip to Phoenix a couple of weeks ago. Says staying in the house would drive him crazy. He's going turkey hunting next week.

Posted by
3157 posts

Concur in that I would wait until refunds become available, if practicable.

imo the only reasonably safe window for travel is July-October. Just my two cents. Why December? That's near peak flu/cold season and a likely time for COVID-19 to return with a vengeance.

Until there is a vaccine it's all a gamble.

cala, I was thinking the same thing. My dad is 83 and now way he should go into box stores. I don't know maybe when if I make it to 92 it's "what the hell." Go for it.

Posted by
2739 posts

imo the only reasonably safe window for travel is July-October. Just my two cents. Why December? That's near peak flu/cold season and a likely time for COVID-19 to return with a vengeance.

Unscientific, unvalidated useless information. The best minds in the world don’t know a thing about seasonality of this new virus. Why do you post such nonsense?

Posted by
16909 posts

Gabriel, based on this (Switzerland forum) and dajenkennels' previous posts, they were going to Switzerland.

Posted by
6657 posts

James E, skeet don't taste as good as turkey. Besides, it's hard to put all those little pieces back together to make a nice presentation at table.

Posted by
21523 posts

Jane, I gotta thank you. Ive been going stir crazy, but your post reminded me I can go to the skeet range and blow off a little steam. Booked it first think in the morning.

Posted by
1068 posts

My mother, 86, and myself have a trip booked for June 8-18. What is
the probability of being able to still travel or would it be in our
best interest to rebook for a later date?

Here in Switzerland, a major part of the tourist industry is staffed by people on short term work permits from abroad and as of now the government has decided that no permits will be issued for at least 90 days. So even if we were to reopen our borders in May, there will not be staff to staff the tourist industry, so it probably will not be a great experience.

Posted by
13 posts

Thank you everyone. I cancelled our flights, points deposited back my account and fees refunded; hotels cancelled and deposits back on my CC; GE Excellence Class fees refunded 100%.
Now to rebooked everything once all this is over.

Posted by
16909 posts

A wise decision!

It'll be so much better to take your trip at a time when you don't have to cross as many fingers against canceled flights, closed attractions, restaurants and hotels, and getting sick. ☹️

Posted by
4 posts

I also had a dream trip scheduled for June that I have given up on.....
I am hoping to reschedule for September (already booked hotels which can be cancelled).
As for your mother. You are lucky to have one. My mother died at 86 a few years ago. Enjoy as much quality time together at home. Special times can happen there too.