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Online Swiss entry form

We are traveling to see family next week and arriving at GVA on July 15. Does anyone know how far ahead of time you can fill out the online Swiss entry form? I can't seem to find an answer.

I noticed the online entry form (and backup paper form) also make you state your seat number on the airplane. We aren't issued a seat number until check in. FAQ list on the website says to enter any seat number for the time being. Then to update it via your smartphone once you have your actual seat assignment. I'm imagining myself having wifi issues at my transit airport and being stressed out trying to update a silly seat assignment! Maybe just filling out the optional paper form is simpler?? Thoughts or actual experiences?

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17148 posts

"A silly seat assignment. . ."

The purpose, as I understand it, is for contact tracing if necessary. Is that silly?

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86 posts

As a healthcare professional, I totally get the importance of contact tracing. My comment was imagining myself being unable to connect to airport wifi for some unknown reason and being stressed out over not being able to update our seat assignments trying to do the right thing. Thanks for your useful advice.

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8116 posts

Fill out the print form; take it to airport and fill in the seat number when you get on the plane.
Where is the site to download and print the form?

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17148 posts

Your phone does not need wifi to work, but it may incur some roaming charges. If you do not have a good data plan for your trip, it would be best to do as Jazz+ Travels suggests and print out a paper copy you can fill in when you find out your seat assignment.

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171 posts

I just went through this and got great help here figuring out the format to enter my cell phone number. We leave two weeks from tomorrow and I know my seat number. I see people here suggesting to fill out the form, print, and take with you. Maybe that will work too, but upon entering all the required information an email is sent with a QR code which must be presented upon arrival.

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497 posts

Which seat number are you using, the one from the States to LHR or the one from LHR to Switzerland? I forgot to ask the Swiss department of health when I called.