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Non RS recommended Lucerne hotels


Many RS recommendations are booked for our travel dates, except Rebstock and Alpha - but the available rooms are basic, with no view, so I am looking at other options -

Pickwick - river view
Royal Lucerne - lake view
Lubo - no view but apartment so more amenities

Does anyone have experience with these?

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5407 posts

I'd check the reviews on I've found them to be accurate, as one must stay in the properties in order to write a review. Good luck!

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1120 posts

The location of Pickwick is ideal for Lucern. It’s a pretty basic hotel though. My favorite by far is Hotel des Balances, but it can be quite expensive.

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408 posts

Pickwick is in a great location with excellent views. They recently modernized/refreshed the rooms, but it is still pretty basic. It is also above a popular British pub which can get busy on weekends. That closes by 11:30-midnight, so it won't be an all night party downstairs, but just fyi.
The Royal is in a nice neighborhood, but further out from the center of town and not as convenient to get around.
Have you looked around in the "new town" area on the other side of the river? Lots of nice hotels on that side - no views, but great location and plenty of restaurants and easy access to transport.
Personally, for a visit of a few days, I 'd compromise on the view to get the convenient location.

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156 posts

We stayed right next door to the Pickwick at the Hotel des Alpes. I have no idea if it is a RS recommendation or not.

I highly recommend a river view room at the des Alpes though, the views were amazing.

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912 posts

We rarely pay for a "view" since we spend so little time in our room, but A/C is a priority. It was definitely needed during our trip last year, since temps were in the high 80s every day. Our stay at Hotel Beau Sejour provided A/C and excellent service.

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5407 posts

Hotel des Alpes is wonderful, been there a few times, and it is a RS recommended hotel. Good luck! Can help the search for research, and then one can book direct. Good luck!

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62 posts

Thank you all for the great recommendations! I think we will have a drink at the Hotel Pickwick pub but stay at Appartements Hofquartier - good amenities, very responsive owners, decent location . . . and price.