My wife, daughter (17) and I were planning a four-country trip (Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria) this summer and I needed some suggestions about getting the rail pass. I have never purchase one before and still have questions after researching it extensively.
It appears that the Eurail SelectPass is the way for us to go since it will allow us to travel in those 4 countries with one pass. We would like to have the assurance of being able to sit together, have reserved seats if necessary, and have the power/WiFi that first class provides. Also, if we step off along the way to explore a town I am hoping that we can easily get back on the next train due to the greater possibility of there being first class seats available. Opinions? Is it worth the extra cost for the freedom and convenience?
Also, It looks like my only ticket option is to purchase one Youth ticket for my daughter and two Adults (traveling together - 15% discount) as the Family pass implies that it is Adults+Kids, not Adults+Youth. Am I interpreting this correctly?