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Murren in Early August

Hello. This is my first time asking for advice.
I'll be in Murren soon, staying for the Swiss National Day and the Dorffest. My first question, are these events really authentic Swiss or are they, how should I say, very touristy and Disneyworld-like feeling? Are they fun (OK, that was 2 questions)?
Next question - we are in our 60's, and does Murren hold enough interest for us, or is for younger people? If you are our age, or know of someone our age who goes there, that will be a big help. Thank you.

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4713 posts

I am not that much younger than you, but age is not the factor I would focus on but instead how much you like the outdoors.
Murren is a complete wonderland for anyone who loves the outdoors, no matter their ability level, as there are hikes of all levels, or you can just enjoy the views and take trains and cable cars.
I am not familiar with those events, the second one sounds lovely:
Do you have your accommodations booked?

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584 posts

They are in no way Disney like. They are put on by the locals, for the locals. The tourists are welcome to join but they are not tourist events made for tourists. We spend our summers living in Murren (in our late 30s) and my in laws do as well (in their 60s). So no, it’s not just for young people. I don’t know what interests you, so your question is very subjective. Anyway, the night walk through town with lanterns and the cow bell walkers for Swiss National Day is really special. Everyone walks through town together once it gets dark by candle light (buy your lanterns at the Coop) following the men of the village who bang the giant cow bells against their legs in unison. There is also authentic music and food at the Sportzentrum, as well as fireworks. For the Dorffest, again lots of music and food (mostly attended by the locals with some tourists mixed in) and the parade with locals making floats and parading the cows with giant headdresses, as well as the flea market are very authentic. You are fortunate to be staying there during that week. It’s a favorite of ours we look forward to every year.

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3 posts

Thank you valadelphia and wanderweg for your responses. Yes, we do have accommodations. We do love the outdoors, and hope to spend a lot of time there, weather permitting.
Our interests are being outside and immersing ourselves in the local culture and traditions. So, the festivities that happen when we are there sound perfect! And wandereg, we think it's amazing that you and your inlaws spend your summers in Murren - who knows, we may run into them while we are there - that would be great.

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821 posts

We are in our 70s and had a wonderful time in Mürren in June, along with many other visitors in our age group.

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Again, thank you all. Any recommendations on a good reasonably priced (which is, I know, relevant) restaurant with good food in Murren?

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821 posts

Our best meal was at Hotel Blumental. Hotel Edelweiss and Stäger Stübli were also good.