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Munich to Switzerland

Hi all, would like to seek advice about the followings:
Our last part of a 2 week summer trip is to travel from Munich to Switzerland, and main target is Jungfrau. Tentative plan is:

Day 1 Munich to Lucerne, (learnt from forum that there is a 0717 train via Zurich, or 0918 bus via Zurich which involves only 1 interchange to Lucenre, stay in Lucerne)

Day 2 Lucerne to Grindelwald (stay in Grindelwald)

Day 3 Jungfrau (stay in Grindelwald)

Day 4 Grindelwald to Zurich, drop by Interlaken (stay in Zurich)

Day 5 noon flight departing from Zurich

Originally thinking of going straight to Grindelwald, and then back all the way to Zurich. But taking train involves several interchanges and takes >7 hours. We a family of 4 probably hv 3 pieces of luggages, too many interchanges is a headache.

Is it better to fly from Munich to Bern and take train to Grindelwald? Or as per my plan above? Any other options?
Itinerary is still open, advice appreciated. Tks a lot.

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12040 posts

General rules for the Alps:

1) Give yourself at least two full days at any one location as a buffer against bad weather.

2) Don't try to peg specific activities (like an excursion to the Jungfraujoch) to particular days without the benefit of a short-term weather forecast.

So, the message: You need another day in Grindelwald.

Originally thinking of going straight to Grindelwald, and then back
all the way to Zurich. But taking train involves several interchanges
and takes >7 hours. We a family of 4 probably hv 3 pieces of luggages,
too many interchanges is a headache.

Wait... do you mean Grindelwald to Zürich or Munich to Grindelwald? The former takes only about 2.5 hours, although the latter is probably accurate.

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2938 posts


Can you go from Munich to Grindelwald? Not sure how much time that would add. I ask, as with a noon flight out of Zurich, you could easily make day/night 4 in Lucerne and head right to the airport from there on day 5.


Posted by
17 posts

Tks for your reply, Tom.

If the weather is bad on Day 3, may be we can wait until Day 4 to Jungfrau, skip Interlaken n go straight to Zunich after coming down.

I hv thought of staying in Interlaken instead of Grindelwald, which allows flexibility to go to Titlus in case Jungfrau's weather is bad. But, Grindelwald seems more attractive than Interlaken...

if there are other options I can arrive at Grindelwald earlier and not complicated it will be great.

Posted by
17 posts

Tks Paul.

Munich to Ginderwald is viable but takes >7 hours & several interchanges. That's sounds too tired.

Tks for recommending Lucerne to Zurich Airport direct, I'll check it out.

Posted by
12040 posts

If the weather is bad for the Jungfrau, it's not likely to be any better at Mt. Titlus.