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Need help with itinerary and transportation from Salzburg to Switzerland. So far, this is what we are doing.

Day 1: Arrive in Munich, July 7
Day 2: Relax and Tour Munich, July 8
Day 3: Bike tour and Castle, July 9
Day 4: BMW Museum/Dacau or a day trip to Rothenburg, July 10th
Day 5: Travel to Salzburg, July 11th
Day 6: Day trip to Eagle's Nest or Sound of Music, July 12th
Day 7: Sound of Music bike tour or Hallstat tour, July 13th

RailJet to Zurich from Salzburg

July 14th-July 20th Switzerland

July 14th: Zurich
July 15th: Alsace Region of France
July 16th: Train to Lucerne
July 17th: Lucerne
July 16th-18th: Lauterbrunnen

Not sure where Zermatt is going to fit in. Any tips?

Points of Interest in Switzerland are Zermatt, LauterbrunnenLucerne, Alsace Region

I realize we might not fit everything in but would love to ride on the Glacier Express also
Our plane leaves from Zurich on Day 14.

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16894 posts

You can travel Salzburg-Sargans via the RailJet and connect there to Chur, total travel time 5 hours. Or connect and continue 2 more hours to stay in St. Moritz. From either town, you're in position to take the Glacier Express to Zermatt another morning.

From Salzburg, you can choose options departing about 7:56, 9:56, and 11:56. Departing from Hallstatt, you'd have to be across on the train station side of the lake by 7:00 a.m. in order to connect with the same RailJet that's departing Salzburg at 9:56.

Looking Up Train Schedules and Routes Online gives you the DB train schedule link and tips for using it.

Posted by
1506 posts

I would leave Rothenburg for another trip. It's very crowded during the day, but wonderful at night - so unless you could do an overnight there I wouldn't bother. I'd do Dachau instead. Hallstatt is awesome also, but I'm a sound of music lover and would do that tour instead (actually I personally would do SOM one day and Hallstatt another and skip Eagle's nest).

That is a lot of switzerland to cover in 6 days. Also, you don't say if you will be traveling by car or train. Assuming train it is a long day from Salzburg to Lauterbrunnen which is where I would spend most of my time. I would probably go from Salsburg to Luzern to split up the travel time, then head to Lauterbrunnen from there. No matter what I would cut at least one of those destinations from your itinerary in Switzerland.

The easiest way to check rail timetables is on the DB website

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192 posts

I really enjoyed my trip to Munich, Salzburg in 2008. Rothenburg is nice but the place I really enjoy visiting is between Munich and Salzburg. The Chiemsee!!! The rail stop is Rosenheim. You can take a boat to several islands and are treated to the castle at Herrenchiemsee which is beautiful and fashioned after Versailles by King Ludwig. Ive been there 3 times and I love it every time.