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Mobil phone carrier

We are Consumer Cellular customers. They will provide T-Mobile SIM card and activate it domestically a week before departure. Has anyone had on the ground experience with this in Switzerland? We do not expect heavy usage (understand about free Wi-Fi connections) so 12 cents/talk/text/mega bite not an issue. Alternative is to become a T-Mobile customer here and use that carrier internationally. AT&T, Verizon are too expensive. Thank you for advice.

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18065 posts

Ive used my US TMobile from Albania to Ukraine to Paris. Flawless is all I can say. And at $50 for a 30 day data and calling upgrade (if you use it a lot) it's been worth it for me.

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10251 posts

I’ve used my U.S. T-Mobile in many European countries with no problems. I have never added any kind of international plan and just use my normal service. Data and texting are included and calls are .25 a minute I believe. I don’t use the phone to call much, but have made very short calls on occasion. This has been as recently as last year when I had two trips, one was 6 weeks and one was 10 weeks.

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4436 posts

you really need to ask T Mobile, since you're not really their customer. Technically CC is a MVNO who resells T Mobile airtime, and not all plans offer international minutes. It seems easy enough to change over to T Mobile for your trip.