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Milan to Locarno Train Tickets

What is the best way to buy a train ticket from Milan Airport to Locarno main train station? Is it best to buy a ticket on arrival or prior to arriving? If it is best to buy ahead of time, how would I do it? I will need to do the reverse also, when I leave Locarno a month later.

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1 posts

I booked on Italian Rail a ticket for tomorrow Rome to Milan to Lugano (to stay and depending on weather) take Bernina Express to (toward) St Moritz, OR go to Locarno (by Swiss Rail or bus as required.) Train leaves at 10 am arrive 14:30. I have been in Rome for a week

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21605 posts

Is this a change from your other post coming from Milan Malpensa airport?

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106 posts

Sam: thanks for asking for clarification. My routing is the same. Still going from airport in Milan to Locarno. Still very confused, but I will buy ticket at airport and ask for quickest: routing to Locarno. I read that there is a one transfer routing Malpensa Aeroporto to Cadenazzo, change here to Locarno total time 2 hr 33 min. I hope this is correct.

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21605 posts

See answer on the other thread. You are best to take the bus to Gallarte and buy a ticket there. Exception is that there is a train from Malpensa at 1:19 pm that will get you to Locarno. It is the same train that is the 1:45 pm departure from Gallarate.