What would you give your heterosexual male friends as a gift souvenir from your travels in Switzerland?
chocolate? And diamonds? Rolex watch might be appreciated
Me i'm good with a beer coaster from a fancy place. Maybe a wine stopper. And the ubiquitous fridge magnet
I don't care what flavour they are - a cowbell
We generally bring back chocolate for everyone, unless we see something quirky that would appeal to a particular person. After attending a village gathering where one gentleman played actual music on a cow’s horn (not just a single tone like a shofar), we sought one out for a musician friend. It looked like this:
I think the attached mouthpiece and a couple of finger holes makes it possible to produce the different. Our musician friend was intrigued but I don’t know if he actually managed to make music with it.
You can find YouTubes of the music, although the cowhorn is generally designated as Swedish, not Swiss.
We’ve brought back Swiss Army knives, bottle openers, t-shirts, and chocolate for our male family members.
This video has some good suggestions:
I’m a big fan of the Caran d'Ache pens mentioned.
Thanks all it's gonna be chocolate. I just need to get an assortment premium the best connoisseur level.