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Luzern to Vitznau to Rigi Kulm - Timing

Hi Everyone,
Daughter and I are planning a visit to Rigi Kulm leaving from Luzern. If I am reading the boat-train tables correctly the boat from Luzern arrives at 10:09 am and the cogwheel train leaves the station at 10:15 for Rigi Kulm. Is it possible to make this connection? How much distance between the two points? Thanks.

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17225 posts

That is plenty of time. says it is a 7-minute walk, but looking at Vitznau on Google maps, satellite view, it appears to be less than that. The train station is right at the boat dock.

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7750 posts

This is correct. You might need time to buy tickets, and I wonder if they wait for a late boat? If you descend by the cable car, it's a completely different lake-level location.

Edit: You may wish to check the Summit-Camera online, because there can be complete cloud coverage up there. Weather changes over the course of a day, naturally.

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3005 posts

I just did this journey last month. Rigi was one of my favorite days. The trains are sitting there waiting for the people to get off the boat. And there were so many people on our boat that they added an extra train so we didn’t have to wait. Once in Switzerland you will see how well timed all the transportation is.

Try to sit at the front of the boat for the best views. And when you are looking at the direction the train will travel up, sit on the left side if you can. Fabulous views on both the boat and train and of course once up top. Have a great time!!!

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5411 posts

I also did this journey in September. The Swiss have the boats and the cogwheel trains' timing coordinated. Many of us had the Swiss Travel Pass, so there is no need to buy tickets, and the whole journey is covered by the STP.

I recommend you bring snacks, as the restaurant at the top is expensive and not the greatest. Haven't visited the places at the stops along the way, but I also wasn't sure they were open. When I did the journey in Dec., 2019, the places along the way looked packed, people having drinks on the patios, but last September they looked closed [covid-related?]

Do check the cloud cover, and the elevation of the clouds. Rigi is above the tree line, about 6,000 ft. When I was there Dec., 2019, it look really cloudy at the lake-level, and we were doubtful. However, as we ascended, the train broke through the clouds, and we had a spectacular blue sky against the fresh snow.

Have a great trip!