We travelled with our son to Europe when he was 8 months old. It’s the perfect age! You can easily use a front carrier. Packing light will be the biggest challenge. Keep in mind that when traveling by train, you have to handle all your luggage & stroller yourself. We were traveling with family so there were extra hands to help with everything.
We used an umbrella stroller that could lie flat. Don’t bring an expensive stroller. Cobblestones will trash the wheels. We also brought something like this to keep the baby warm. We were in Italy in March. We were able to use it with the front carrier on chilly nights.
KZ Dotnz Universal Stroller Footmuff Sack, Front Panel Removeable Multifunction Stroller Bunting Bag, Cosy Toes Fleece Lined Stroller Sleeping Bag Fit for Most Stroller, Pram, Jogger, Pushchair https://a.co/d/8dPkltA