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Lausaune or montreux?

If you had 3 nights to stay between these two towns, which would you pick? Or would you mix them up, staying a total of 3 nights but at both places and, if so, how would you divide it up? Ive currently got one night in lausanne scheduled later this month, then two nights in montreux but im starting to think that maybe i should have gotten all nights in lausanne or at least two nights. Im within my cancellation change time on both hotels so i dont think changing will be a problem and hotel cost is almost the same. We will probably go on day trip trains to gruyerre and where the chocolate train goes (but not necessarily on THE chocolate train). Will be traveling on Swiss travel pass and will be leaving this area on the golden pass route (but not necessarily the panoramic train) but on regional trains to murren. What would you do? Thanks.

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20937 posts

I would do all 3 nights in Montreux and visit Lausanne for a day from Montreux. It is only 22 minutes on direct trains, and since you have passes, cost is no issue.

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32 posts

Adding a vote here for Lausanne! I just loved it there. The waterfront is gorgeous, you can take a boat ride to Evian, France for the day, and the city has a lot to do besides that. I haven't been to the Olympic museum, but I hear it is worth a visit.

One thing I did years ago was take the boat from Lausanne to Montreux and the train back (or vise versa). The countryside between the two is really pretty, and the trains are easy. If you like wine, there are vineyards all along the lake, with tours and tastings. And Vevey is charming and worth a visit too.

Personally I would do 2 nights in Lausanne and one in Montreux before heading out on the Golden Pass route, or stay in one of the villages in between!

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98 posts

We decided to spend all 3 nights in Lausaunne and didnt regret it. Our hotel was in great location right across from train station and next to metro that could either take us down to the lac and its many boat trips or up into the city center. We boated to Montreaux and chateau de Chillon and saw all we wanted to see. We spent one whole day taking trains to gruyere and Broc, all covered by the STP. Which turned out to just be a super value. I think it has paid for everything we have seen except maybe about 3 things in 15 days of consecutive travel. So convenient to just jump on any train and not worry about it. Well worth the money. We only upgraded on one segment of our trip that was particularly long and i dont know that i would do that again either. Train segments are short enough that I dont get tired in second class. It’s been a great ride!

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3000 posts

Thanks for reporting back. This will help others who are trying to decide where to stay. There’s really no wrong choices in Switzerland. Well, except maybe Bern. Just kidding! :-)

I’m glad you got good use out of the STP. I’m a huge fan and wish it worked in all countries.