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Laminate Swiss Travel Pass

How much of the information on the paper Swiss Travel Pass do I need to include when I laminate the page? i.e. the QR code, and how much of the personal information? John Ryan

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2330 posts

The important part is the QR code. But why laminate it? Just make multiple copies if you are afraid one will "wear out".

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5349 posts

Screen shot it and or put it in your Apple Wallet. Safe travels!

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2967 posts

I would be concerned that the lamination might interfere with the scanning of the QR code.

Wengen and pat both have great suggestions.

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2330 posts

The reason they want the whole document is that they want to check that what is printed on the document matches what is encoded in the QR. That is how they check it is genuine.

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1021 posts

Take the full page, do not destroy it in any way - Read the SBB rules and regulations.

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7209 posts

It will probably be sent to you via pdf attachment. Be sure to save that pdf so that you can reprint if/when you want.

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10 posts

I laminated our passes, being sure to include the QR code, valid dates and our names. Worked perfectly for the week we just finished in Murren. Not one problem.