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Just FYI About Train Tickets/Pass

Although you just jump on the trains, not always but occasionally, they do check tickets/passes. We have seen people fined between Appenzel and Chur and now frequently in the BO for not having the correct pass or ticket. Two couples last night on the train back from Kleinen Scheidegg we’re not happy with their fine so make sure your pass covers the train you’re on!

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2376 posts

This is basically the way public transport works: It is your responsibility to make sure you have the right ticket.

Which is one reason why just getting a pass is convenient.

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954 posts

And why the management company here in Wengen kept saying that the Jungfrau pass was worth it even though we have the flex STP. We’ve more than covered the cost and the convenience of it has been priceless especially after watching people get red faced and angry when getting fined.

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20941 posts

Two couples last night on the train back from Kleinen Scheidegg we’re not happy with their fine so make sure your pass covers the train you’re on!

I imagine they had Swiss Travel Passes and thought they covered everything. They must not have been checked on the way up to Kleine Scheidegg, so were surprised when the they learned that the STP does not cover the trip between Wengen and Kleine Scheidegg. Part of the fine covers the fare they dodged on the way up.

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954 posts

We weren’t close enough to hear but close enough to see cell phones being waved and the train agent shaking his head and then angry faces while credit cards were handed over.

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17225 posts

I think the same as Sam—-they had Swiss Travel Passes. But the restriction on travel above Wengen is pretty clear on the validity map, if one bothers to look.

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954 posts

I think my point is that even though you can just hop on a train and get from point A to point B without your ticket/pass checked does not mean you won’t be checked on the next train you board and there will be a fine if you don’t have the correct ticket or pass. Tourist be aware.