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Itinerary Suggestions for Zurich to Frankfurt in 10 days

Can you please suggest itinerary between Zurich and Frankfurt? We have a total of 10 days, we do not want to stay in Zurich and plan to head out as soon as we land. I value your opinion because there are so many wonderful options!

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2366 posts

What time of year? Are you traveling by train? Do you prefer big cities or small towns? Any specific interests: art, history, wine, hiking, etc? Any physical limitations? Is this your first trip to Europe?

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23 posts

3rd trip to Europe but first to this region. We are economy travelers who like to experience local, not a fan of big cities. We love nature and history. What is your input on this? Zurich (arrive mid day September 17) train to Lucerne, Lucerne x 3 nights with side trips to Rhine Falls, Mount Pilatus, old town etc. Is this too long when we only have a week?
3 nights in Munich - with side trips to Lichtenstein and Innsbruck and Neuschwanstein castle
Last day travel to Frankfurt with a stop in Heidelberg on the way - fly out the next morning. Thank you for your kind consideration of ideas!