We'll be traveling in Switzerland in early August (me, husband & almost 18 yr old son). So far our tentative itinerary is as follows (travel by train/Swiss Pass):
Land Zurich in evening.
Day in Zurich.
Travel to Lucerne, day in Lucerne
Day trip in Lucerne area
Next day travel to Bern - day in Bern
Day trip in Bern area
Travel to Montereux, enjoy lake area - arrive Geneva
Day in Geneva
Depart Geneva
My husband and I have visited the Jungfrau area in the past (~20 years ago), so we won't be heading there this time.
I'd appreciate input on the itinerary and ideas of smaller towns to base our 2 nights in the Lucerne or Bern area. Is Brunnen a good option (my husband wants to build a knife at the knife factory there) ?
Since we won't have a car, we can't stay out too far in the country but I don't only want to stay in the cities. Food related day trips are also a plus (e.g. trip to see cheese made)