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Itinerary help! (Wengen)

I have 2 half days and 3 full days in Wengen (soon in August). I plan on visiting (not in particular order)

  • Day 1 Half day
  • Day 2 Grindelwald, First, Bachalpsee, Pfingstegg
  • Day 3 Jungfrau top of Europe, Eiger trail
  • Day 4 Murren, North Face Trail
  • Day 5 Half day

The other areas/activities I have in mind are (*want to do, others optional):

  • Mannlichen to klein Scheidegg trail*
  • Lauterbrunnan, Falls*
  • Paragliding
  • Schynige Platte
  • Lake Brienz boat, Bruangasse
  • Schithorn
  • Harder Kulm
  • Bern (if rains)

What would be the best ways to add these activities to the schedule above in terms of proximity/efficiency? I have not assigned any activities on 2 half days yet.

Also, if you have thoughts on specific activities/places (whether you recommend or not), that would be helpful so I can prioritize them. Appreciate your help!

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20940 posts

Something's got to give. But first, where are you coming from, and where are you going to afterward?

Posted by
6 posts

Yes, I know I can't fit all in, so other than the must, the others are optional. Just wondering what can be grouped together (if any) in terms of time and distance. I'm coming from the USA and in/out Zurich. I'll stay in Lucerne the first and the last night of the trip. Thank you!

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6285 posts

I would make a list and prioritize what you want to do. Then, realize that you will want to decide what you will want to do for the day when you wake up in the am. So much is weather dependent. One mountain can be totally socked in with clouds and the other is clear. Or both are socked in. Typically, mountain weather is better in the am. So it can be good to do the mountain top excursions right away in the morning. Schilthorn can be ok even if cloud covered because the James Bond stuff can be kind of fun. I sure wouldn't want to pay for Jungfrau if its cloud covered.

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20940 posts

OK, I figured you were coming from the USA (or Canada), but immediately before going to Wengen you will be in Luzern, and immediately after Wengen you will go to Luzern. Have I got that right?

So coming from Luzern, you can get off at Brienz and take the boat to Interlaken Ost. At the station, store your luggage in a locker and walk to the Harder Kulm station and take that up. When you come down, walk back to the station, get your luggage and proceed to Wengen. That knocks 2 off your list.

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6 posts

Thank you for the replies. Yes, I thought that plan and it does knock off 2 from my list.

Posted by
2471 posts

Weather is going to dictate what you do, so you’ll need to prioritize. And know that weather can change very quickly. We stayed 5 nights in Wengen last summer. It rained for parts of every day. The one clear morning, we went to Jungfraujoch on the first train. It was gorgeous with clear skies. We were done by 11:45 and took the Eiger Expeess to Grindelwald. Stored our cold weather clothes in a tote bag at the Terminal station and took the train to Grindelwald. Had lunch and it was warm and sunny. Went to First. Did the thrill walk then went down to do the mountain carts. Stood in line for an hour and it started raining hard as soon as we got in the carts. We were wet and muddy be the end, and there was a full thunder & lightning storm that closed the gondola. We were stuck on the mountain. So be flexible with your plans and know that even your “must dos” may not happen with such a short time there.

I would pick your top 4 things and be happy if you got to all of them. Anything else you get to do is bonus. Be aware that the gondola hours are typically 9-5ish for the recreational lifts.

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584 posts

Day 1 - Store your luggage in Interlaken on the way from Luzern and do a short boat cruise before continuing on to Wengen if you really want or since you’re doing Luzern, just skip the lake and go straight up to the mountains to enjoy Wengen upon your arrival (what I would do)
Day 2 - Wengen > Mannlichen > Walk to Kleine Scheidegg > Jungfraujoch > Kleine Scheidegg > you can do the Eiger Trail if you want or walk from KS to Wengernalp (I like better) and then train back to Wengen for dinner
Day 3 - Wengen > Lauterbrunnen (you can see falls from the train) > Grutschalp > Murren > paraglide (book a week in advance for early morning) > land at the cable car station at Stechelberg and ride up to Schilthorn > down to Murren > Allmendhubel > North Face hike counterclockwise in the afternoon > dinner in Murren > Grutschalp > Lauterbrunnen > Wengen
Day 4 - Wengen > Grindelwald > Grindelwald First OR do Schynige Platte instead via Wilderswil - I personally like Schynige Platte better and the hiking up there is epic. First is packed.
Day 5 Half day - use this as a weather buffer for the above/some relaxation time in Wengen

Skip Harder Kulm, Pfingstegg & Bern - even if it rains, put on a rain jacket and do stuff anyway with your short time. Harder Kulm is not worth it.

Posted by
2376 posts

You could actually do your lake cruise as part of your Luzern - Wengen transfer, and make your last night Bern in stead of Luzern.

Seeing the Lauterbrunnen Falls can be combined with Mürren: Walk from Latuerbrunnen to Stechelberg. Take the cable car up. Walk back to Grütschalp. Go down again.

Posted by
62 posts

This has been a great thread; we are doing a similar trip but Bern - Wengen - Lucerne and making final plans .
Rinalee, I'm curious - are you getting a Swiss Pass or BO pass?
Also what hotel are you using? I have bookings at both Bellevue and Berghaus and need to decide.

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6 posts

Thank you for the great tips!

@joy I'm considering the half fare + BO (though I need to decide 3 days or 4 days). My hotels are Arena and Alpenrose. Hope you have a great trip!

Posted by
169 posts

I agree wholeheartedly with skipping Harder Kulm. You will have already seen far more spectacular mtns.