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Itinerary help for disabled honeymoon couple on tight schedule

Hi folks! I am well aware of the fact that we need more time in Switzerland to appreciate it, so please be nice :D all we have is a couple days. My future husband who uses a wheelchair and I would like to take in the sights of the Alps in Switzerland for one or two days at the beginning of June. (I would like to spend all of our time in the Alps, but he wants the Kunsthistorisches, so we're trying to meet in the middle [literally]) Coming in on a train from Paris on a Thursday with the intention to leave from Zurich no later than early Sunday morning, how many beautiful things can we see? Where would you recommend we go, and where would you recommend we stay? I have consulted Rick's books, so I have a general idea of what will be a good idea (lifts, etc.), but this community is an extremely valuable font of information. What is the most beautiful thing a guy in a wheelchair and his wife can do in Switzerland? TIA, forum

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which Kunsthistorisches do you mean? Generally that name is associated with Kunsthistorisches Wien in Vienna which is too far for this short trip, or do you mean that the trip on Sunday is a flight to Vienna?

What time does the train from Paris arrive? Which destination does the train arrive in?

I wonder if your fiancé is able to manoeuvre himself on and off trains (often one or two steps) or if he needs assistance with a ramp? I worked for many years on trains - British, not Swiss - and I know that wheelchair boarding and leaving a train can take a little while if the ramp needs to be found. I would expect that train connections might not be made, but there is often the next train 30 minutes later on busy routes or at worst in Switzerland one hour later. But that puts a crimp in the day (I have a disabled wife, so I know) so I'd suggest as few changes as possible.

Early June can be a bit early for completely clear and dry paths at altitude, or the wildflowers may be in the meadows and all will be perfect, All depends on the weather, and nobody can predict that these days!!

With your short time available I'd perhaps suggest a ride on Lake Luzern (Vierwaldstättersee in German). You will see high peaks, a fabulously beautiful and scenic lake, and you could get off at one of the villages like Vitznau for another experience. The boats are directly outside (step free) the Luzern station, quite large with plenty of deck.

If you want to go to, say, Wengen, you might arrive in Basel instead of Zürich (that's why I asked where your ticket is to), possibly a change in Bern but there are trains straight through to Interlaken Ost from Basel with no change, the a change at Interlaken Ost, and then a change at Lauterbrunnen.

The BOB (Berner Oberland-Bahn, the narrow gauge rack assisted (cogwheel) train between Lauterbrunnen and Lauterbrunnen/Grindelwald) has had new low floor trains since 2016 which should allow easy on and off for a wheelchair, but I don't know what accommodation there is once onboard.

If you could clarify a little more I'd love to help more.

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34560 posts

How early is early Sunday morning? Train or plane? International or domestic?