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In lauterbrunnen for 6 nights now- 3-4 full days of rain ahead. Help with rain options.

Please help. We have 5 full days here and can't extend. (Headed to zermatt for more rain- knew that would be a risk) I only have one day of partial sun. I hope to actually see that there are mountains around us. How do I prioritize hikes? I have been to info place in town and they confirmed weather is a problem for hiking. We were in luzern for 4 nights first ad did hiking at rigi and pilatus. We have Swiss travel pass so we had planned all the hiking above us from ricks book- murren allmendhubel gimmelwald grutschalp and go up to schilthorn. We also planned to taken mannlichen Klein scheidegg hike. I know about the valley walk and trunmelbach falls, trying to keep my family busy and moving and not too miserable and wet. Has anyone done the sefinen valley to kilchbalm? We are real bad weather magnets for travel including hurricanes last year, so I shouldn't be surprised but I am disappointed. I don't think they want to go to bern. And the open air museum is open air- how bad when expecting lots of rain?

Posted by
4061 posts

Head to Gruyère. The castle is great! If you have Alien fans the Giger museum and bar are epic and there’s always the cheese factory. Then drive 4K to Broc for a tour of the Cailler chocolate factory. All of these activities are indoors.

Posted by
11505 posts

Take a boat ride on Lake Thun. When it rained in Grindelwald, it was OK down there.

Posted by
768 posts

I agree with the previous poster--don't panic. The usual forecast over there is "thunderstorms", which do happen, but mainly later in the day.
Sefinen valley--I did it, and it was not exciting. There are a dozen better hikes around, and I'll send to your private forum mail our dozen fav hikes, with maps and pics.
In summary, here's my top 3 must-do hikes to do on a good day, in order:

  1. Mannlichen to Kleine Scheidegg

  2. Grindelwald to First to Bachalpsee and back

  3. Murren to Allmendhubel to Schiltalp to Spielbodenalp to Murren

Things we've done when it's raining, misting:

Hike behind Staubbach Falls at Lauterbrunnen (out of the rain half the time)

Hike or bus over to Trummelbach Falls (inside the mountain, so out of the rain)

Visit the Lauterb. museum (near the river, near the church)

Take the train to Interlaken Ost and browse the huge Coop store

Misty day: train to Meiringen and visit Aareschlucht (google it)

Take a boat ride, especially if covered by your pass

Posted by
275 posts

We had the same weather forecast there a few years ago and weather turned
out great most days ... another easy paved walk is Murren down to Gimmelwald
and then lunch outside at the Mountain Hostel with spectacular views and cable
car down to the valley.

Posted by
33576 posts

Get out of bed and use the finger out the window test. It is likely fine in the morning and you may get a boomer late in the afternoon. Enjoy what you have when you have it.

The mountains have their own idea about weather and accuweather gets it inaccurately most of the time. That's just the way it is.

By the way, Bern with its arcades and real live bears is actually pretty neat.

Posted by
217 posts

We have had quite the soakers already this afternoon and evening. not looking promising at all for here. We will rain walk the valley tomorrow and wet the second pair of shoes. Unfortunately the heat is off in apartment building and nothing is drying. Buy the waterproof shoes! I couldn't find a pair that was comfortable but I think anything would be better that squishy. Two- three days 90-100% rain. I have just downloaded some books to read.

Posted by
11294 posts

"And the open air museum is open air- how bad when expecting lots of rain?"

Going in the buildings is fine in the rain. And be sure to keep exploring in each building - you can go anywhere that is not actually barred, so climb all the stairs, open all the doors, etc.

But the paths between the buildings get muddy (ask me how I know), so be prepared for that.

Posted by
217 posts

Thanks for the help. We are wet again this am. Thankful for an apartment with a washer and dryer because everything is soaked. Dryer is very slow but better than nothing. I am using hair dryer on shoes. We did the coop in interlaken yesterday. Today will we will go behind the staubbach falls and go to trummelbach falls. We may take a lift up just because it is free. Tomorrow is supposed to be worse so no idea yet. Bern is still on my list but forecast is wet there too.

Posted by
397 posts

I know it is not always possible to fully comprehend the tone behind a stranger’s written words, but the tone in your posts on this thread seems a bit on the negative side. It just seems that you are not having any fun. I hope I am wrong, though. We are flying to Zurich today, heading straight to Bern for a night and then a full week in Wengen. We are packed with the expectation that we will be rained on each and every day. While we obviously hope the sun will shine on us sometimes, heading out on holiday with the attitude of “no bad weather, only bad clothing” is our mantra. Get some good water proof shoes and a poncho and go hike and breath that alpine air. Life is good. I hope you have a great vacation moving forward. We will too.

Posted by
217 posts

We are having fun. We have already said we are coming back and staying longer because this place with views would be amazing. (Not bringing the kiddos next time) Only sprinkled this morning before starting to dump around 3. Our host said everyone here is thrilled for rain as it has been blasting hot for three months. We have maybe another 48 hours of bad weather. We hiked the valley today and Saw some waterfalls. My husband is sick so the weather is not good for him. Trying keep the rest of us from getting it. We left last Saturday which was less than a week after my husband's mother passed away unexpectedly so let's just say we have been riding a complete wave of every emotion possible the last almost two weeks.

Posted by
6288 posts

Since the area is in the mountains there is a tendency for heavy snow storms in the winter and thunderstorms in the summer. Further, the weather is so very unpredictable. I spent four days in January in Lauterbrunnen. Our weather could have been better, but I had a "good weather" plan and a "bad weather" plan. We did have several half days of glorious weather and a few half days where the snow subsided enough so we could see the mountains. It is what it is and when you can see the mountains it is amazing. I'm glad you are staying for a decent length of time so that you do get glimpses of the mountains. I always wonder when I read that someone plans to be in BO for a day or two and if they will be lucky or not see a thing.

Posted by
7209 posts

Of course you should take the lifts up to both Murren and Wengen because they’re all included with Swiss Pass. Also - just because it’s raining in the valley doesn’t mean it’s raining in Murren and Wengen...Weather in that area is definitely peculiar because it could actually be sunny in Murren and raining in the valley or vice versa

Posted by
6288 posts

If you do have the Swiss Pass, the trip up to Schilthorn is included. Even though its not quite as nice without a view, there are exhibits and things to do that would be entertaining--James Bond. Further, the weather could be different or change up there.

Posted by
31 posts

Northwestern, I’m curious if you learned anything new about what to do if the weather is completely rainy. We are set to leave for Switzerland on Sunday and have 7 nights scheduled in Lauterbrunnen because last time (20 years ago) when we were in the BO we were rained out on most of the days. This is my ‘bucket list’ trip and, even though we’ve hit rain on plenty of our trips elsewhere, I have to admit it will be very disappointing to miss the beauty of the BO without rain. When reading your post I felt very sorry for you, given the death of your family member and a sick husband as well. Your post made me brainstorm what we should do with a number of rainy days.

Posted by
217 posts

Well we did not go anywhere one day because my husband was so sick. (No one else has caught it though so that is a plus- pretty sure the stress from his mother just dropped his immunity). He nicely timed it with the very worst weather day though. One day we just went into interlaken for distilled water as there was none in lauterbrunnen. So because of his cold we didn't do anything beyond the three day and we strayed in the valley went to either lift. Several inches of snow on the ground at schlithor the day after huge rain. The mountain tops were visible at the top above the sea of clouds. It was quite beautiful. We were blessed with one glorious day that we did the the north face trail. We went up to schlithorn again to see the clear view after that hike. We did the mannclein ( I know I am butchering the spelling) it was great just couldn't see the mountain tops.

I hope you the best of weather!! Even one beautiful day was enough to help us think wow this is amazing.