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How to get from Wengen to Forbach, France or Saarbrucken, Germany by train?

At the end of our stay in Wengen in early October, we want to visit a friend in Saarbrucken, Germany. We've been advised to use the French trains because of their better reputation for promptness, so it may make sense to go to a French town or city such as Forbach, since it is only 15 minutes from my friend in Saarbrucken. Does anyone have advice on how to get from Wengen to a town near Saarbrucken?

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20942 posts

You can use Put in via Metz Ville and you will see the route to Saarbrucken via Forbach. Takes 7 1/2 to 8 hours.

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2378 posts

i would still go via Germany. Don't make this complicated. It is true that trains are not as punctual in Germany as in Switzerland. But at least they are lots of them and you can just hop on the next one. Trains are not that frequent in France.

But if you do go via France know that many of the trains to Forbach continue to Saarbrucken, so you can as well stay on it. But the best route is via Sarreguemines. There are a few direct trains a day between Strasbourg and Saarbrucken. But as typically for France they are not frequent. Running a regular interval schedule as is common in Switzerland and Germany is not permitted in France.