Hi all! I have some ridiculously specific questions about the Hotel Edelweiss in Murren. We will be staying there for the first week in March.
1) for packing pajamas purposes, do the rooms run cool or hot? How flexible is the climate control? Asking because sometimes colder places have super hot interiors and I’m a cold sleeper.
2) for anyone that has done laundry there, how is their dryer? Sometimes European dryers don’t fully complete the job by US standards. I’ll adapt but if it takes two hours to get the laundry dry, I’ll pack more.
3) what is the status on coffee in the rooms? (Premium view in the new section) Is it in every room? Refilled each day?
4) has anyone done their half board? It’s a good deal by Swiss prices (we won’t do it the whole time but maybe a night or two)—what were you served? Were you glad you got it?
5) and now a more general Murren question: what are your favorite go-tos for fondue and raclette?
Thank you!