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Hiking vacation in Switzerland

What is the earliest time to solidly plan a hiking vacation to Merrin and Wengan? Are trails clear by the last week in June?

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2967 posts

It's hard to predict as it depends on the weather. The Panorama Trail , Männlichen to Kleine Scheidegg, just opened yesterday.

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17168 posts

To clarify, that trail actually opened on June 21 for a few days, before being closed again due to a rockslide.

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414 posts

For me the best time has been the last week of August/first week of September when the weather is usually more stable. After the heavy rain of July and before the snow hits. The cattle are being moved down from their summer hangout in preparation for winter. July can be the most beautiful day on earth or pouring rain, with a high likelihood of pouring rain. The month of June is very subject to what the year has been like, so volatile and hard to predict. Cattle maybe moved up in early June or not until the end. If you buy your airline tickets for June and the weather sucks, switch gears and go to the low green alps of the Appenzell area (thank you RS for sharing) rather than the high above the tree line alps of the Berner Oberland. J

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110 posts

Thank-you all for your feedback. I will plan end of August first part of September 2025. Jeanie