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Help understanding the SBB website

I have never taken trains in Europe before, and am completely befuddled by the SBB train website for Switzerland. I am trying to understand the cost for one way point-to-point tickets between several destinations:
- Lausanne to Montreux
- Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen
- Interlaken to Zurich via Bern

Any tips on using this website? When I put in the information from Lausanne to Montreux, for example, I get a screen that says "S4Toward Aigle" and "Eq.4" or something that says "RE direction St. Maurice Eq. 1" or "IR90 toward Brig Eq. 3." Can someone help me understand what all of this means? And where are the prices? My goal is to compare the cost of point to point travel vs. an 8-day Swiss Pass.

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3398 posts

Hi whmscll, the SBB website and phone app are easy to use once you get the hang of them. You’ll get better at this with a little practice.

The “s2” you are seeing is just the name of the train. The “direction aigle” just lets you know where the train is headed. For pricing info., you can just ignore this info.

To get the price, click on the red box over on the right. Then you want to make sure you click on “Full price” as the website assumes you have a half price card. In doing this, I see 6.80 for the Lausanne to Montreux journey.

Here is some info. on using the app if you want to try that instead of the website:

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3398 posts

Interlaken Ost to Lauterbrunnen is 7.60.

Interlaken to Zurich via Bern (click on advance search to add the via bern) is 49 - 70 ( (depending on type of ticket)

NOTE: prices many very depending on the type of ticket. There are some cheaper options if you purchase ahead of time.

Try the above to see if you are able to get the prices.

Looks like you'll also need Montreux to Interlaken which is 53.60 - 74 (depending on type of ticket)

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34560 posts

and if you are looking for trains which have connections (a change of train(s)) for one journey in one day, just enter the starting point and the ending point and get a through fare and all the possible connections. No need to price each leg separately unless each leg is on a different day.

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34560 posts

Also, I don't recognise the Eq 1 and other numbers. Usually it would be Gl (for gleise which platform number or if you had put for the English translation on the website either in the dropdown language or by reaching the webpage by it would be in English.

Eq? Are you sure it is Eq? In the SBB webpage or app?

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2701 posts

The thing to understand is that the SBB website is has a trip planning as its primary function, and buying tickets only as a second function. Hence when you look up a trip the first thing you get are instructions on how to make that trip.

And those instructions contain the platform your trip starts from, the train you will need to board, and the platform you will arrive at. This is to help you find that correct train when at the station. And the site will bey default show you the next couple of departures from the departure station. With several trains per hour it may all be indeed a bit overwhelming if you are not used to trains actually being a useful means of getting around :-)

The "direction st. Maurice" indicates the final stop of a train. The reason they name trains like that is that the departure boards do not have enough space to list all stops of a train. So your stop may not be listed. You find your train then by looking for, in this case the "S2 service to st. Maurice" or the "IR90 services to Brig" and so on. It will actually all be immediately obvious once here. Don't make the mistake overthinking this. It is all actually rather easy.