Hello, fellow travelers! Hoping you can help us choose the best train/travel pass for our upcoming one-week trip to Switzerland. We are leaning toward the half-fare pass vs. the Swiss Travel Pass, but based on our itinerary, what do you recommend?
Arrive Zurich
Day 1: Zurich to Lausanne
Day 2: Lausanne to Zermatt
Day 3: Zermatt
Day 4: Zermatt to Lauterbrunnen (sleeping in Murren)
Day 5: Lauterbrunnen/Murren
Day 6: Lauterbrunnen/Murren
Day 7: Lauterbrunnen to Lucerne
Day 8: Lucerne to Zurich (depart Switzerland)
In Zermatt and Lauterbrunnen, we definitely plan to hike and see a few peaks, so I know we'll be using the cable cars/funiculars. Your help is much appreciated!