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Guided tour

Taking the best of Switzerland in 12 days and wondering about the guided tours. Is a headset provided or is it best to bring your own?

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2530 posts

Wired ear buds are provided.
I find them uncomfortable and bring my own.
If you wear hearing aids you will need to make other arrangements.

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82 posts

I did Steves Paris in 6 days Feb '23. Cheap, low tech devices and ear pieces were worthless to me. I barely heard 80% of what the guide said. Often maneuvered--gently--close enough to the guide so I could hear the most important directions, instructions. Much of the "look at this" or jolly stories I could not hear.

Left the group to be on my own at the Louvre and at the Orsay (3rd and 2nd visit respectively) and dumped the cheap headsets.

Don't know if your personal headsets would overcome the low tech transmitters/receivers.

Going to Switzerland 2 weeks w/son Sept '23. No headsets. On our own--no guide except What's next? & Which wine?