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Grindelwald in late August - Thoughts on whether* this will still be possible?

We are scheduled to visit Grindelwald August 29 thru September 5th. Our accommodations are booked but still cancellable thru mid August.
What are the thoughts on this forum regarding whether* this will still be possible / advisable?

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1591 posts

Are2 -Right now it's too early to tell. You might have to wait until May to get a better sense of this pandemic's status. Hoping Progress will be made swiftly in an effort to eradicate this threat.

Posted by
8889 posts

"What are the thoughts on this forum regarding weather" - I think I can make one safe prediction - Coronavirus will make no difference to the weather ☺

I would say hold off making your yes/no decision as long as possible. Don't want to cancel and later find out you could have gone.

Posted by
10811 posts

I'm doing what Chris F has suggested. I have an 8+ week trip planned in September & October. I won't save any money by canceling now. My deadline will be mid-August. I'll wait and make the determination at that time. It's too early to tell what will be happening 4-5 months from now.

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50 posts

Sorry all... I should always check my spelling! I meant "whether" it would still be advisable.
Thanks for your understanding and replies.

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50 posts

Thanks Chris F...that made me laugh!! In embarrassment, of course

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1206 posts

No, I would not cancel, as said you won't save money. But do I think, for what its worth, is it possible, yes, is it advisable. No. I say that only because I believe that the only way this will be resolved, safe to travel, will be when they have a vaccine that is safe and works and the public is able to get this vaccine. This is a serious situation and the thought of getting sick and not being able to travel home or pass this on to others is just too scary. Just my thoughts based upon what all the doctors have said in the news reports I have read and heard.

Posted by
50 posts

Thanks everyone!

We're going to take a "wait and see" attitude at least to July before making any final decisions.
Hopefully things will improve.
Not feeling too optimistic though :-(

Posted by
1068 posts

I don’t know how this is being portrait in the US....

But here the lockdown is not expected to fix anything, the hope is that we can slow it down sufficiently to allow the health services to cope, the medical devices industry to up production and the development of a vaccine which usually takes about 18 months or so to get to a point where it is effective and widely available.

The majority of the workers in the Swiss tourist industry are foreigners and their permits will not be renewed for at least 90 days and probably longer. Government aid to the tourist industry is expected to last until the end of the year and the way to keep the costs down is to keep employment in the industry down, so I’d expect the visa restrictions will be extended.

Right now we need workers in our factories and distribution chains, so releasing workers for the tourist industry is not at all a priority here.

Posted by
50 posts

Thanks Jim, valuable input from someone living in Switzerland.