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Golden Pass from Lauterbrunne, and Montreux hotel?

Where do we have to go from Lauterbrunnen to catch the Golden Pass train? We're taking it to Montreux, which I know is at the end of the line. But I'm not sure what is the best way to get from Lauterbrunnen to start the Golden Pass.

We'll be spending two nights in Montreux. Is Hotel de la Rouvenaz a good choice?

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8889 posts

The Golden Pass train is a special tourist train which runs Luzern - Interlaken - Spiez - Zweisimmen - Montreux. There are also hourly regular trains on this route, as there are on all Swiss rail routes. It is not one through train, you have to change at Interlaken Ost and Zweisimmen, and usually also at Spiez.

The nearest point on the route to Lauterbrunnen is Interlaken, you could pick up the train there.
But, this begs the question, how are you getting to Lauterbrunnen? The usual way is by train, and the only route to Lauterbrunnen is via Interlaken. So you just double back the way you got to Lauterbrunnen. And, if you came by train via Interlaken, you will already have traversed at least a part of the Golden Pass route.

I suggest you look at the Swiss rail map here, and familiarise yourself with where these places are:
You can look up times and prices for all train in Switzerland on the Swiss Federal Railways site:

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106 posts

Thank you. We will be coming from Zermatt to Lauterbrunnen, and I see from the map that we will be backtracking over the section from Interlaken to Spiez.

We will have Swiss Travel Passes. Am I correct in that the route we will take is Lauterbrunnen - Interlaken - Spiez - Zweisimmen - Montreux? And we can just take whatever train we want, without reservations or worrying about "Golden Pass" trains specifically.

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8889 posts

Cindy, correct.
Yes, the route is Lauterbrunnen - Interlaken Ost - Spiez - Zweisimmen - Montreux, changing trains at each of those places.
And you can take whatever trains you want. No reservations needed or possible for the "normal" trains.