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Going to Switzerland next summer?

Sitting here with our house shaking and windows rattling from the roar of the Seafair Airshow going on outside just reminded me of something I wanted to mention—-the 2023 Züri Fäscht.

If you think Swiss festivals are all cow parades and yodeling, this triennial party in Zurich will change your mind. A 3-day celebration of all things Swiss, with a mile-long street fair with food booths and beer tents, concerts, performances, athletic competitions, fireworks, and yes, airshows—-including one with helicopters. We just happened to be in Zurich for one night of the Fäscht in 2010, and we saw those whirleybirds performs stunts one never thought possible. Our kids (teens at the time) loved the food booths, and we all enjoyed the festive atmosphere.

The last one was in 2019, and there would have been one this July, but it was canceled. So the next is scheduled for July 7-9, 2023, and I expect they will pull out all the stops to make it a good one.

Here are a couple of blogs with more information about past Fäschts:

The expected crowds will number over 2 million people, spread over 3 days. I am posting this now so you can either plan to attend . . . Or avoid it.

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This is one event I would plan to avoid. 😊 I’m always checking for holidays, events, and school holidays so I know which dates to avoid.