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Glacier Express

Planning on the GlacierExpress in Early May starting in Zermatt. Since time is a bit limited, shall I get off in Chur and head to Appenzell, or continue on to St.Mortiz? If the portion of the Glacier Express is the most beautiful, I don’t want to bypass. Does anyone have opinions on staying to St Mortiz( have experienced in the winter) , or cutting it a bit short and heading North to eventually leave from Zurich? I appreciate the input. Thank you

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33239 posts

in my opinion the Albula line section beyond Chur until just before Sankt Moritz is head and shoulders better than any of the Glacier Express between Brig and Chur. You need to get to and from Zermatt (although I wasn't impressed there either after the Berner Oberland) and Glacier Express is good for that. I find the Glacier Express ok but the same scenery for so many hours gets me bored. I've done it in segments, never the full whack at one time (wait - the very first time might have been straight through - I don't remember, I do recollect I slept through part of it).

The Bernina Express line which shares the track from Chur via Sankt Moritz to Tirano in Italy is beautiful and varied from start to finish and there is never a dull moment.

Personal opinions of course.

So my answer to your question would be, NO, do not get off in Chur.

I don't know the translation of "time is a bit limited". What exactly does that mean?

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8620 posts

Either way is a winner. But if you head for St Moritz, you might want to stay in one of the other towns in the area such as Pontresina.

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7041 posts

I agree with Nigel: the Albula railway from Chur to Samedan / St Moritz is not to be missed if you can swing it!