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Gifts to bring from the U.S. to Switzerland for dear friends

What would be some gift ideas to bring from the U.S. (we live in Washington, DC area) to friends in Switzerland? We will be staying at their house for 4 nights. They are in their mid-70s, have two children in their mid-40s who live nearby, and then their children ranging in age from 2-7. We plan to mail a box of gifts ahead of time.

Thank you! This forum has helped me plan this trip down to every detail.

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1662 posts


It may be a slight challenge unless you know their likes or dislikes.

I believe most people nowadays are moving away from "trinkets."

Since you're mailing gifts, perhaps consider a "coffee table" book such as

Since the adults live close by, maybe they can share or take turns reading and browsing the book admiring our Nation's Capital. The book seems well done and gets good reviews.

The older child may fancy a replica Washington Monument pencil sharpener - useful and unique. There are other pencil sharpener replicas of Washington's historical buildings and monuments -- such as The Lincoln Monument.

There are also prism style paper weights depicting lazer cut images of DC's impressive and historic buildings.


If they had relatives who came to America, there are brass, desktop replicas of The Statue of Liberty.

For the toddler, perhaps a little teddy bear that comes with a DC tee shirt - similar to Build a Bear.

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2504 posts

As you're in the DC area, the museum store at the National Museum of Natural History might be a good place to look for gifts for the kids - fossils or geodes, for instance.

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1321 posts

In this world of the internet, there is nothing they can't buy if they actually want it, especially food and drink. Including if they, unusually, like kentucky bourbon. So I'd offer something that shows it was local and that you took some interest in buying it. I don't know what that means where you live, but I'm sure there is something. Are there museums in Washington DC? If so, perhaps something from a local museum that shows the local crest? Or a hat for the local sports team?

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4657 posts

I personally don't get warm fuzzies about stuff representing a place I have never been before....unless it is practical. Even my kids love location tea towels. Food or consumables are easier, but with shipping internationally that gets more difficult.
Alternatively, do you have a hobby or skill you can use to provide something they will recognize as yours, unique and from the heart?

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8293 posts

Take them all out for wonderful breakfast or lunch at the best place in town.

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11294 posts

"Are there museums in Washington DC?"

Is there ham in Spain?