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109 posts

Thanks for posting! I don’t know why but I always like these. They are not amazing, but they are fun! :-)

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3000 posts

SwissNomad, I always enjoy them too. My favorite is still the one with Robert De Niro.

I didn’t think we were going to get one this year as they’ve always come out in the Spring.

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14540 posts

Oh, thank you so much! I needed some laughs and good feelings! I think my favorite one is with Trevor Noah. I always forget Roger is 1/2 South African!

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549 posts

Thanks Carrie, long stressful day…… shoulders are now relaxed. Made me smile, laugh and want to book a trip to Switzerland!

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17222 posts

I liked this one a lot. Especially the end, with Roger making “angels” in the leaves. And the one with Robert di Niro. The “Grand Tour”. with the actress Anne Hathaway not so much.