My mom and I are visiting in August. She is 80. In good health, but not as swift as she used to be. If we want to attempt a mountain as a day trip from Lucerne, which one offers the most ease of navigation (ease of paths, easy access onto funicular, train, etc. graduated steepness, etc.)?
I realize I am asking which mountain is the least steep, which sounds silly. I do think there is a suitable answer, though. After watching several videos, I am guessing that Rigi beats Pilatus for suitability for an elderly person, but I'd like input. My mom desires to hear cowbells. Probably she'd like to see the cows attached to the bells, too. She grew up in Wisconsin, but of Swiss ancestry, and this will be the trip of a lifetime for her. My great grandfather brought his cheesemaking from Switzerland to Wisconsin, then Arkansas, and back to Wisconsin.
We have most likely narrowed down our lodging to the Hermitage on Lake Lucerne. I think my mom will enjoy the peaceful mountain and lake views. If she is too tired to do anything else, the resort setting on its own is something for the memory books.