There are so many beautiful places to see by bike in Switzerland and now there are many bike shops that offer rentals. With pedal-assisted power, those hills are no longer daunting and you can make better time than hiking. I can't recommend ebikes enough for exploring.
1) To find recommended bike routes (bike=velo), here's a good website to start your research:
2) For a gorgeous multiple-day route with your ebike, I would recommend the Herzroute. Start in Willisau and end ...well... wherever you want. That particular route takes you through Switzerland's farming heartland, where time is turned back 50 years. The routes are usually asphalt or good groomed gravel trails and the scenery is divine. Last summer, I did a two-day route but managed to cover a lot more terrain after I recharged my battery during a one-hour break at a local restaurant/cafe/Coop, etc.
The ebikes in Switzerland usually go up to 25 kmph and don't require any special permit. Who knows... maybe Rick will start organizing ebike tours as well. :)