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Devastation for a village near Kandersteg in the Berner Oberland

Sad news for the village of Mitholz in the Kander valley that they all have to abandon their village in case it blows up.

All those booby trapped passes are coming back 75 years later to cause so much worry.

A BBC article:

I hope that the content is available to you...

Lola and Shoe, when you're hiking up there watch out for what you're stepping on...

Posted by
8827 posts

Very interesting Nigel. It seems very un-Swiss of them to not have dealt with this already.

Posted by
3392 posts

It seems very un-Swiss of them to not have dealt with this already.

I agree with Stan. Sounds more like Switzerland, Florida (that is a place) than the actual Switzerland.

Posted by
17225 posts

Thanks for the informative article, Nigel. We are not hiking in Switzerland right now (not ready to travel to Europe yet) but we are hiking in some beautiful mountains in Utah.

We had a severe thunderstorm last night with heavy rain and hail, causing flash flood in the valleys below us. Some towns have been inundated (Cedar City, Utah, Enoch, and others). When I saw your title I feared the same for this Swiss village. Instead, the threat comes at the hands of man, not nature.

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11636 posts

Heartbreaking! Amazing how munitions from WWII are still posing problems. Hoping to be in the Kander Valley next month!

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5837 posts

Ticking time bombs. Like the Hanford (Radioactive) Waste Management Site in Washington State. Not an easy fix.

Posted by
32320 posts

What dreadful news for the people of that small village. I assume the Swiss government will set them up with housing in their new (temporary?) home location? Disposing of the munitions is going to be a very time consuming and dangerous job. I wonder how many similar sites there are around Switzerland?