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Bus from Lugano to Mennagio

Does anyone have any up to date info on the C12 bus from Lugano to Mennagio? We are coming from Interlaken area to Varenna on Sunday September 3 and thought we could get as far as Lugano on our Swiss Travel Pass.

All of the old posts regarding using this bus to get to Mennagio say that the bus stop/station to catch the C12 is some distance away from the Lugano train station where we would be getting off the train. They also say it is very hard to find the bus stop/station.

Does anyone know if there is now a bus that leaves from the Lubano train station and goes to Mennagio? Has anyone ever used a taxi to get from Lugano to Mennagio and if so how much did it cost?

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20137 posts

The C12 bus goes from the Piazza Nord Lugano Stazione, just north of the train station.
Here is the schedule. scroll down to page 6 to see the Sunday schedule (Fest.) from Lugano to Menaggio. Buses at 9:25, 11:50, 14:35, 15:50, 18:45. Get off at Via Como 9, a short walk to the ferry dock.

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84 posts

Thanks Sam. The Piazza Nord Lugano Stazione looks like an 8 min walk from the main train station, so that is doable. Much easier than all of the confusing info I saw on-line about finding the bus stop somewhere in a neighborhood in Lugano.

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20137 posts

It is 300 feet from the station north exit to the C12 bus stop, so unless you walk very slowly, it should be less than 8 minutes.
Here is a photo from google street view. Bus stop on the left, train station north side directly ahead.,8.9466036,3a,75y,147.53h,89.82t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sVVE9gnT65_-1EOffe0lhFg!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu