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Best app for hiking in switzerland

Looking for an app that gives me maps and distances and routes to all the hiking areas in Switzerland..
anybody have any preferences??
I heard Swisstopo is a good app?? anybody w/experience w/this?
how about SchweizMobil??
thank you..

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11600 posts

SchweizMobil is very good. I also have Komoot and get a lot of suggestions. I believe AllTrails also provides suggestions.

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6277 posts

Incidentally--The signage on the trails is quite good in Switzerland. RS says the time estimates are done using senior citizens' times. When we did some hiking by Montserrate in Spain, we decided the time estimates were done with Olympic runners.

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2330 posts

The SwissTopo app is good, and allows you to download maps for offline use for free. You can also draw hiking routes (works better on an iPad) and you will get distances, time estimates and height profiles.

Regarding the time estimates. There is an official formula for that. It considers both horizontal and vertical distance. On walking paths (yellow signs) the estimates are usually to pessimistic, but on mountain trails (white/red) they are normally spot one. At least for us.

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11600 posts

RS says the time estimates are done using senior citizens' times.

We laughed at this when we read it in his book! We are faster than some younger people (we are 71 and 80) and slower than some people that may be even older than we are!

I usually plan 2 miles an hour and it averages out quite well for us. Faster on paved, flat walks, of course, but for trails and elevation, it is about right.

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584 posts

We use Komoot. It allows you to see existing recommended trails as well as map out distances/elevations of your own potential routes so that you can decide what's best for you. We are serious hikers and haven't found anything that really comes close to the versatility of it.