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Berner Oberland Pass - 24 Hour or Date Based ?

I'll be staying in Wengen for 3 nights and plan to visit Murren, Lauterbrunnen, Grindelwald and do some easy hikes in the area.
I was thinking of buying the BO Pass but I'm not sure if I should be buying it for 3 days or 4 days? Is the pass validity calculated based on start date or is it from the start of first ride's hour?
If I take the first transport in BO region at 10am on Day 1 and last transport on Day 4 at 9 am, that's less than 72 hours, so should I buy a day pass?
Or do I need to buy a 4 day pass irrespective of the actual hours?

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99% sure it would be date based, since you buy it to begin on a specific date. Not all the modes of transport have turnstiles which would record first usage. For instance, staying in Wengen, you could board the train to Lauterbrunnen, and if the conductor does not come by to check your pass, which happens, you would have a free ride if it was time based.