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Benefit or need to purchase Jungfraujoch tickets in advance

If intending to go to Jungfraujoch mid-week in Mid-September, is there a need or benefit to purchasing tickets in advance on-line? Do they sell out or can I buy the day before for example? Not intending to reserve seats

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mradspinne, We, family of 5, just returned from a trip to the Jungfraujoch in mid August. Due to the uncertainty of the weather and the cost of the trip, we delayed purchasing our tickets until the day of travel. We did not have any trouble acquiring tickets and reservations in the Wengen tourist office. As it turned out, we did not need reservations because the number of tourists in the Kleine Scheidegg station was no problem, everyone in line was seated ( those with and those without reservations.)

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50 posts

We were in Switzerland in March, and the mountain closed down for multiple days due to extreme wind. Many people with tickets lost their visits--and some even their money! I would wait to purchase, and check out weather forecasts for optimum conditions. Have a great time!