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Before I book lodging.....

Before I book lodging, I want to know if my itinerary is sound. We arrive Geneva in mid-August. Decided on 3 nights in Lausanne as Base 1, four nights in Murren or Lauterbrunnen as Base 2, and three nights in Luzern as Base 3 and departing Zurich on Day 10. I'm concerned that three nights in Luzern is too long and will be repetitive and expensive. RS book suggests adding Zermatt or Appenzell on a 10 day itinerary. We decided to eliminate Zermatt. Suggestions? Thank you!

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7209 posts

I think your itinerary sounds good. 3 nights in Lucerne is actually only 2 full days. Lucerne is beautiful and can fully entertain you for 2+ days.

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11658 posts

I think it is very nice pacing. Mr. Steves moves his itineraries along a bit fast for my taste. Four nights in Muerren or Lauterbrunnen is very nice.

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47 posts

I too believe is fine. After two euro trips I decided RS itineraries are a little rushed to me. I usually split RS's two nights suggestions to three nights. This way I have more time to flavor the place and introduce some rest, laundry, groceries, transit, leisure and spontaneity

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192 posts

I think it looks great also, in fact, your intineraty is close to the one I have planned for September. We are flying into Zurich spending 3 nights in Appenzell, 2 nights in Luzern( I was there before 30 years ago), 4 nights Murren, 3 nights Lausanne. Depending on the weather we can also visit Bern, Murten, Avenches while we overnight in Murren and Lausanne has opportunities I'm excited about also( vineyard, chillon, boat trip etc). We fly out of Geneva.

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5 posts

Thank you everyone for your helpful responses. I'm proceeding as planned. This forum is awesome!