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Basel train station to port for Viking Cruise/What tram do we catch?

We're coming into Basel by train to catch a viking cruise. We plan on taking the tram to the port rather than a taxi which I understand are very expensive. We travel light so it's not a problem hauling our luggage. Can anyone help me figure out which tram to take from the train station? Viking told me that the "ship" will be at the main dock: which they called: Deilandereck or at Klyberckquai. I was unable to find directions on google map nor were they able to help me figure out what tram to take.
Any help would be appreciated.

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8889 posts

There are two possible places for a ship to dock, but you have told me which one. Click here for a map of where your ship docks (where the pin is). You can pan and zoom this map.

From the station ("Bahnhof SBB"):

  • Buy a 1 zone ticket from the green ticket machines outside the station, cost CHF 3.60.
  • Take tram number 8, direction "Kleinhünigen" or "Weil am Rhein".
  • Get off the tram at "Kleinhünigen" (you can see this on the map), it is about 5-10 minute walk to the ship dock.

Click here for a tram map. "Bahnhof SBB" is in square D4, Kleinhünigen is in square D2. A taxi would cost about CHF 30.

P.S. Google maps is not very Europe-orientated!

Posted by
20490 posts

You got your "r" in the wrong spot. It's "Dreilandereck" and "Klybeckquai". They are on the east bank of the Rhine down river from the central district. Basel Bad is actually the closest station, so if you can get off there, you'd be close. They are in an industrial area, so it should not be very expensive cab ride from Basel Bad.

Posted by
8889 posts

Sue, Sam,
If you are coming from somewhere else in Switzerland, or from France, your train will stop at "Bahnhof SBB", and the above instructions apply.
If you are coming from Germany, your train will stop at "Badischer Bahnhof", and in most cases continue to "Bahnhof SBB". If this is the case, either look at the tram map to find your route (tram 6 + tram 8), or ask again.

Why would a taxi be cheaper if it is an industrial area?
P.S. I still think Google maps is rubbish for Europe.

Posted by
20490 posts

Far be it from me to mix it up with a resident of Basel, I was just thinking that the walk from Kleinhueningen tram stop might be more than a short stroll, especially if the exact location of the ship is not precisely known. I would assume the docking location will be at the direction of the Basel Port Authority. Each tram ticket is 3.60 chf, so take that into consideration.

Posted by
8889 posts

Sam, I do not disagree. It is a long walk from Kleinhünigen tram stop to the passenger ship berth (600 to 800 metres, 10-15 minutes). It involves crossing the railway lines to the docks, and if your case doesn't have wheels it would not be easy. And there is no cover if it is raining.

Apart from the cost advantage, if you take the tram you go through the centre on the city (Marktplatz etc.), a taxi has to go round. So long as you know which terminal the ship is at (Klybeck and not at the St. Johann terminal), both places have only 2 or 3 adjacent berths where passenger ships can tie up.

Posted by
175 posts

Thank you all for your very helpful input. Viking tells me that the ship will be a either of these two port locations:
Dreilandereck, Passagierbootterminal St. Johan Steiger 3 or Platform Klybeck/Klybeckquai, Steiger Klybeck. Looking at the maps it seems like we get off at 36 Hochberger Platz and walk from there if that's possible. Are taxi's available at the tram stops? We will be coming in by train from Bern. Perhaps it would be best to take a taxi to drop our bags off and then the tram to explore the city that afternoon.
Thank you all