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Advice Itinerary. Nov 7-29 Lyon, Annecy, Chamonix, (Zermatt?) Lausanne, Interlaken, Mürren

Hi all,
I don't know what I would have done over the years without RS forum. Back with a couple questions hoping for help.
Going from 11/7 to 11/29. I'm 50 so usually savor each location for longer than most. I have an agenda and would love your experienced input.
Flying into and out of Lyon. Thinking of heading from the Airport straight to Annecy (3)=> Chamonix (3)=>Lausanne (2) => Gruyères?????(2)=> Lyon (3) ---Note: Annecy for 3 days if longer than usual so I can rest from travel.

Since that is only 13 days I was thinking about adding Interlaken and on to Mürren. I've been before but only for a couple days in Mürren, nothing much was open in Nov, but all I wanted to do was walk around with my jaw dropped. I would consider Grindelwald but I don't shop at all.

So first and most important question:
SHOULD I rent a car given the roads or just take public transport for this trip? I'm not afraid of driving in Europe but I am pretty darn scared to drive with weather on mountain roads especially with cliffs etc. If the Swiss pass is recommended (especially if I decide on Mürren or Zermatt) Which Pass? About Zermatt.....I would consider Zermatt after Chamonix but if I have to choose between Zermatt or Mürren, Mürren would 'probably' be my choice ...BUT.... I haven't been to Zermatt so can't really compare.. Mostly I'm here to run an itinerary by you guys and wondering about transport. Due to Switzerland having amazing transport I would go for the Swiss Pass but if I go with public transport over driving I'm very worried about the buses in France. I've been reading probably over a hundred reviews (trip advisor, google etc.) of people writing about bus cancellations, hard to find buses and super mean drivers from BlaBlaCar Bus and FlixBus. Mostly from BlaBlaCar bus. I'm really scared about a cancellation with no notice and not finding a bus due to it being unmarked or in a difficult to find area, etc. especially if it's raining or snowing (probable in Nov) and I'm left standing there with my suitcase by myself. I also thought about adding Pérouges at the end of my trip back to Lyon to fly out but again... the buses. In a perfect world I would rent a car for France and take the transport in Switzerland but dropping it off and picking it up at the beginning and again at the end of my trip would be a nightmare (I would think). Any advice on any of this is always appreciated and I have changed many a trip based on the advice in this forum. I respect your opinion very much. THANK YOUUUUUU --- Sorry so long. oy!!

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161 posts

I can offer my own solo experience with most of your destinations- after the RS My Way Alpine Tour ended (in Chamonix) I then went to Annecy and Lyon via public transport. I had one full day and the prior transport day in each. A huge caveat is that it was early-mid June, so summer schedules for transport and I was lucky with lovely weather (and long days) for waiting!
Is there a reason for the Lyon flight round trip? Most of my tour mates returned to the US from Geneva and most of the buses I used had the Geneva airport as a destination. So that might make some sense if you don't have your tickets already, including seeing Geneva ( which I haven't).
I didn't use the bus to get to the airport in Lyon. It was at least half-hour from the city and $100 euro for the very early morning taxi (when Delta moved my flight from 10:00 am to 6:00 am)! So, going straight to Annecy could work, albeit a very long day with an international flight?
I stayed in an absolutely perfect Old Town Annecy pedestrianized location-Hotel d l'Isle- and my room actually had the iconic view of the "ship's-prow" chateau in the canal!
I used BlaBla bus Chamonix- Annecy, it was on time, clean and very pleasant. I had purchased a reserved seat online which meant I sat behind the driver but despite my fairly fluent French it wasn't initially clear if he would honor the extra reservation? I also read the negative reviews. In both Chamonix and Annecy multiple buses use the same parking spots, I think that's where it can get confusing. In Annecy there was a reader board but it didn't show the bus (for Lyon) until about 15 minutes before departure.
Unless using Annecy as a base for day trips 3 full days might be too many? Travel is so subjective. I crammed all I hoped to do into one very long Lyon day. On the RS tour in Wengen we were on our own for local transportation - tons of trains or buses but again, this was summer schedules.
Feel free to message me for more details/opinions!

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33 posts

Hi Suzannah,

I had one trip several years ago to Annecy and Chamonix. I flew out of Lyon. I used trains and had no trouble at all. I don't recall time frames off the top of my head, but I do recall the rides were lovely. In Annecy I took some boat rides and poked around the town, and in Chamonix I didn't need a car at all. I am not much for buses, so can't speak to those. I loved both places and could have stayed longer. I think your time in both of them sounds great.

For Switzerland, I have a couple comments. I think 2 days in Gruyeres is too much. It is a very small place, so maybe make that a day trip from Lausanne? Zermatt could be a place to head to if the weather looks good. I would certainly consider it over Gruyeres.

For the places you want to go, I don't see any reason to have a car. Especially as you are traveling alone, the train is financially better and you get to look around. I had a car for a few days on one trip and enjoyed some of it, but driving on the winding mountain roads was far too stressful for me!

You have a lot of time in Lyon. Is this by choice? If it's not, I would consider flying in and out of Geneva. It would be much more convenient.

This sounds like a wonderful trip!

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173 posts

I can only comment on a few parts of the trip.

Last year, I went to Annecy for part of one day, and I honestly didn't get the hype of the place. (nor did my daughter. I am 60). One reason why I probably didn't care for it as much is that is was an overcast and cold day ( I went at the end of May) and the water is a main attraction. You are going in November, and I really don't know what you would do for three days in a cold area that has a very small city center, even with jet-lag. MY opinion - most people on this board love this city.

Flying into Lyon and out of Geneva (or opposite) may be your best bet. For me it's much less expensive and a time saver. Geneva is a small-ish and easy airport. You could do Annecy and Chamonix as day trips. I have not been to Chamonix, but when researching last year, I saw it's hit or miss with the weather, so keep that in mind too.

I loved Lyon so much that I am going again in September with my husband for 6 days, with a couple of day trips. We are huge foodies. Again, for some reason, many people on this board don't think there is much to do in Lyon, but I disagree. Then going from Lyon to Montreux area (very close to your Lausanne) and leaving directly to Geneva airport since the trains are superb.

If you don't want to take the busses (and I don't blame you) or a car (I personally would not do a car in the mountains in the snow either so I totally get that) you may want to consider some sort of day trip with a driver if that is affordable, or a small group tour - especially to Chamonix. Normally I don't like large group tours, but in November in potential snowy and curvy conditions, I would look into that.

I was in Murren 30 years ago so can't really comment to remember. But if you want to go to that area, I would personally cut our Annecy or Chamonix to give you more time if you like slower travel.