Hi all,
My mom and I are finishing a Rhine River tour in Basel, and my dad (74, healthy) is flying in to join us in Switzerland before we all take a train to the Florence region in Italy. He has three flight options:
- Nonstop to Zurich (American Airlines): Easy flight but requires solo navigation from Zurich to Basel. Also, easier flight booking as we will fly American out of Rome.
- Flight to Basel (British Airways): Includes a layover at Heathrow but no additional travel upon arrival.
- Meet in Zurich: We could take the train to Zurich to meet him and continue to Italy from there.
If he flies into Zurich, how challenging is the train journey to Basel for a senior English-speaking traveler? Would the nonstop Zurich option be worth the simpler flight over the layover in Heathrow?
He might also enjoy having a drink in Basel with another mother-daughter pair from our tour, but the timing might be tight.
I’d love your advice on the best option for him!