We have approximately 10 days to travel from Basel to Zermatt then fly home from Geneva. Places worth visiting We would rather do some day trips then constantly drags our luggage around if possible. We are not skiers or heavy hikers. We would also appreciate recommendations on transportation options and hotels
Thank you
The RS Swiss Guide book can really help you with this.
September is a great time of year.
I don't think you can go wrong with five nights in the Berner Oberland and three nights in Lucerne, and then onto Zermatt .
Can't recommend transportation or lodging until you have developed an itinerary.
Have a great trip in the beautiful country!
Have you determined if you will stay in Basel longer or immediately move on? How many days do you anticipate staying in the Geneva are prior to the flight (what time is it?). Deduct at least two nights for Zermatt, and I think you already have the plan, but if you can fill in those gaps it would be easier to come up with itineraries.
See the sbb website for train info.
We have 1 night scheduled in Basil. We plan on 1-2 nights in Geneva