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Swiss Pass Validation

We're travelling from the Austrian Tirol to Lauterbrunnen. We'll be buying a ticket to Buchs on the Swiss side of the border and using our Swiss Flex Pass the rest of the way. To validate our Pass, do we need to get off the train in Buchs and have it done there, or will the Swiss conductor do it on the train, or will the Austrian ticket agent do it when we buy our ticket to Buchs?

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16894 posts

You meant you'll buy the ticket on the Austrian side. You do not get off at Buchs. Ask the Austrian ticket agent to validate the pass, and if they can't, then show both the pass and ticket to the first/Austrian conductor on the train. He or she can alert a Swiss conductor who may board later and do the activation.

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3210 posts

In addition to activating the pass ( which the agent does by stamping bit and entering the start and end dates, you need to write in the date you are using it in the first box provided, since it is a Flex Pass.